Action Theater Workshop Retreat with Sarah Hickler

Action Theater™ is the practice of embodied awareness in action. In this physical theater improvisation training, participants are guided through a progression of exercises and explorations that focus on physical, vocal and narrative skills. We apply these skills to a variety of solo and ensemble improvisational performance structures. Action Theater offers a clear framework to delve into the imagination, tune into the present moment, and find artful, spontaneous expression through movement, voice and language. This training method and practice fosters a relationship between mind and body, heightens awareness and responsiveness, tunes the senses, and broadens expressive range.


"In the realm of awareness there is little distinction between the theater and the street. Who we are, how aware we are, and how we process our perceptions and reactions is the same everywhere. In the studio, we improvise within forms that are relevant to movement and theater, but the lessons we learn affect our daily life." -­‐ Ruth Zaporah


The workshop is appropriate for experienced performers, or those with a little or some experience in the creative or performing arts. We will work 5-­‐hours a day. Between practice times, you can bask in the sun and sea, rest and explore the island. We will begin each day with physical awareness work that focuses on the release of excess tension,dynamic alignment, and will include meditative mind/body practices. There will be a day off mid-­‐workshop to be on your own, or to go on a group excursion to a neighboring island.

Event Date: 
Tuesday, July 1, 2014 to Monday, July 14, 2014